Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Perkins Family

Recently, I decided to work on the history of my family -- The Perkins Family. Wow! Never realized how demanding it would be. Genealogy is an interesting study, but quite intimidating. I confess, I cannot find the time to dedicate to it, and so I have many of my father's documents that I have rewritten into a document titled, The Perkins Family, starting with the history from the 1600's. I admire anyone who dedicates to the task of studying their ancestry and heritage, but for me, I think I will simply find a place where all of these informative pieces can be placed -- perhaps a historical society of the Perkins Family. Does one exist?

I understand my family came over from England on a ship called the Lyon. How ironic! "Lyon!" Or, could it be "Lion?" Why not "Tiger?"

Well, perhaps not "tiger," that nickname has certainly taken a beating lately!

While writing a blog, sometimes I do wonder if anyone actually reads this, and if anyone cares, but today is a slow day for me. I am working on an article that I cannot seem to appreciate.

Perhaps it is the environment I am in today. Spring is in the air and I have been bitten by the spring fever bug, but I must get busy and be productive.

This epistle started as a conversation about the study of genealogy and it seems to be taking a different spin. See what freewriting does to a writer!

Okay, enough of this. It is a beautiful day in the City of Charleston. Pollen is in the air, and I hear birds chirping. I've seen the first sign of spring recently when the robins returned to my yard and I welcomed them. Last week, I took off to visit a friend and I spent some quality 'girl time' with her. This week -- can't get going. Spring is in the air and I have been attacked by it, welcoming the budding of trees, the musical chirping of birds, especially my robins.

Um-m-m! Smell the aromas of springtime. Ah-choo! Excuse me - springtime is calling me and so I must close. The Perkins Family will have to wait! There's too much to do!

Spring cleaning is calling my name.

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